Craig Aarons-Martin, CEO of CCM Education Group

Craig Aarons-Martin proudly serves as the CEO of CCM Education Group, an education consulting agency and progressive think tank dedicated to co-creating solutions in school leadership, cultures of belonging, change management, and equity. His work extends beyond pre-K through 12 education to include partnerships with Fortune 500 companies and other organizations, driving transformative change through culture, inclusion, and belonging.


In today’s educational landscape, the challenges schools face are multifaceted and ever-evolving. From building cultures of belonging and inclusion to advancing equity and excellence, the demands on school leaders and educators are immense. As schools navigate these complexities, educational consulting has emerged as a vital resource, providing access to seasoned professionals who bring a wealth of experience and expertise to help schools tackle their most pressing issues.

A recent engagement in northern Michigan underscores the powerful impact that educational consulting can have on schools and districts. I had the opportunity to work with 30 principals and heads of schools, all of whom were preparing for the first days of the school year. Many of these leaders were grappling with significant challenges, such as teacher retention and hiring, which led them to seek out specialized recruiters to help source potential candidates. These candidates ranged from recent graduates of education programs to mid-career educators and even support staff who, despite not having their own classrooms, had demonstrated a remarkable connection with students.

Building Teacher Practice Through Reflection and Growth

A major focus of my work with these school leaders was building and enhancing teachers’ practice through reflection, inquiry, and ongoing professional development. My twenty-plus years as an elementary and secondary educator, as well as my experiences as a principal and superintendent, have equipped me to guide schools toward academic and holistic transformation. We know that students thrive when taught by educators who care deeply about them and understand and embrace their unique qualities. This connection between teacher and student is vital and is reflected in everything from lesson plans to classroom interactions.

Educational consultants play a crucial role in fostering this connection by helping schools develop strategies that allow teachers to grow and improve their practice. This might involve working with teachers to reflect on their instructional methods, encouraging them to engage in professional inquiry, or providing them with the tools and resources they need to develop their skills over time. By focusing on continuous growth, consultants help ensure that teachers are equipped to meet the diverse needs of their students.

Creating Classrooms That Reflect and Honor Student Diversity

One of the most important aspects of a successful classroom is its ability to serve as both a mirror and a window for students. Rudine Sims Bishop, in her groundbreaking essay “Mirrors, Windows, and Sliding Glass Doors” (1990), articulated how texts and educational materials can reflect students’ identities and serve as windows into the lives of others. Seeing their identities mirrored in texts fosters positive social identity development, increasing students’ pride, confidence, and self-esteem. Viewing a text as a window allows students to explore the lived experiences of others, building empathy and understanding while examining diversity in social, cultural, political, and historical contexts.

In my consulting work with school leaders, we explore how to create classrooms that honor and celebrate the uniqueness of every student. This involves more than just inclusive lesson plans; it requires a deep commitment to creating an environment where all students feel seen, valued, and supported. Educational consultants can help schools achieve this by bringing in fresh perspectives, fostering a culture of curiosity, and developing training programs that empower teachers to embrace and reflect the diversity of their students.

Addressing Specific Educational Challenges

Educational consultants are often brought in to address specific challenges that schools face, whether it’s improving student literacy levels, understanding the science of reading, or addressing mathematical progressions across an early childhood wing. In other cases, schools might be dealing with higher numbers of special education referrals or other specialized needs. In each of these scenarios, consultants play a key role in helping schools develop targeted strategies to address these issues.

For example, in the Michigan engagement, we looked closely at how to support students who were struggling with literacy. By using data-driven approaches and evidence-based practices, we were able to design interventions that not only addressed the immediate needs of these students but also provided long-term support to help them succeed. This kind of targeted intervention is one of the many ways that educational consultants can make a significant impact on student success.

Fostering a Sense of Belonging and Community

Beyond academic challenges, one of the most critical concerns for the school leaders I worked with in Michigan was how to foster a sense of belonging and community within their schools. These leaders were deeply committed to ensuring that every student, regardless of their background, felt welcomed and valued in their school community.

Educational consultants can be instrumental in helping schools build this sense of belonging. By working closely with school leaders, consultants can help develop and implement strategies that promote inclusion and create a positive school culture. This might involve community-building activities, professional development focused on culturally responsive teaching, or initiatives designed to engage families and the broader community in the life of the school.

Strengthening the Fabric of the School Community

One of the most powerful aspects of educational consulting is the ability to bring an outside perspective to a school or district. Consultants can help schools get laser-focused on the specific needs and challenges of their community, providing the tools, insights, and support needed to strengthen and enhance the fabric of that community.

In my time and service with school leaders across the world, it was clear that their dedication to their students and staff was unwavering. They wanted to ensure that their schools were places where everyone—students, teachers, and staff—felt a strong sense of belonging and purpose. By bringing in educational consultants, these leaders were able to tap into a wealth of expertise and experience, helping them galvanize their communities around a shared vision of excellence and inclusion.


Educational consulting is an invaluable resource for schools and districts as they strive to create environments where all students can succeed. Whether it’s helping to build teacher practice, addressing specific educational challenges, or fostering a sense of belonging and community, consultants provide the expertise and support that schools need to thrive. In an increasingly complex and demanding educational landscape, the role of educational consulting will only continue to grow in importance, making it an essential component of student success.

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