Eric Francis Manu, Executive Leadership Coach and Etiquette Consultant

Eric Francis Manu FRSA is an Executive Leadership Coach and Etiquette Consultant, TEDx Speaker, Lecturer, and Entrepreneur who has held positions in both the Financial Services and Corporate sectors. He is the founder and Principal of the International British Protocol Academy and a successful philanthropist. Known as “The Gentlemen with the hat “and his philosophy that transcends into our daily life; true to his personal motto: “Change Yourself, Change One Person, Change The World”. After graduating from the University of Cambridge, he became the Africa advisor for FIFA Ethics and Regulation Watch; Vice Dean of the Swiss Institute of Cultural Diplomacy; a School Governor and Trustee, and has represented several other organisations as a non-executive Director. He has also hosted award ceremonies and events for global brands and organisations. Including the multi-sector, China Britain Trade Expo. Currently studying at Havard Business Executive Education. Eric is a member of the Association for Coaching. His mission is to inspire and help others follow the rules of etiquette, thereby increase the effect of what can be achieved with kindness and compassion.



In today’s fast-paced, complex business environment, effective leadership is more critical than ever. However, traditional leadership training often falls short of addressing the unique challenges that executives face.

One of the areas is executive coaching, executive coaching is a way to reverse this, nurturing a focus on resilience is just one of the ways where a coach can support, helping individuals to identify their best qualities and strengths. By strengthening the pillars of self-awareness and care, mindfulness, positive communication and purpose, the resulting improved relationships with colleagues can have a remarkable effect on raising productivity levels. Self-confidence increases which drives motivation and boosts performance.

A professional coach working with executives will focus more on goals, reality, options, and a way forward (GROW) in a structured coaching session. After identifying key priorities, your coach can define specific goals with the actions required to deliver a logical and effective result and achieve the desired outcome

How can Transforming Leaders Help them to Succeed

Executive coaching focuses on the developing leaders through tailored coaching, and enhances key leadership skills such as decision-making, strategic thinking, and emotional intelligence, for coaching to succeed this also increased the coachee on self-awareness and driving behavioural change, support leaders to become more effective and impactful in how leaders think, act, and lead.

The Evolution of Executive Coaching

Executive coaching has evolved from a remedial tool to a strategic asset, originally, coaching was often reserved for leaders with performance issues. Today, it is widely recognized as a proactive development strategy for high-potential leaders.

The modern approach to executive coaching is holistic, focusing not just on professional skills, but also on emotional intelligence, resilience, and work-life integration.

Core Dynamics of Executive Coaching

Personalized Development Plans

Every executive has a unique leadership style, strengths, and areas for improvement. Executive coaching begins with a thorough assessment to create a tailored development plan that aligns with both the individual’s and the organization’s goals, objectives, and values.

Building Self-Awareness

Self-awareness is the cornerstone of effective leadership, coaches use various tools, such as 360-degree feedback and psychometric assessments, to help leaders gain insights into their behaviour, decision-making processes, and interpersonal dynamics.

Enhancing Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is a critical component of leadership success. Coaching helps leaders enhance their EQ by improving their ability to manage their emotions, understand and influence others, and navigate complex social situations.

Strategic Thinking and Decision-Making

Executives are often tasked with making high-stakes decisions. Coaching sharpens strategic thinking skills, enabling leaders to evaluate options more effectively, anticipate potential challenges, and make decisions that align with long-term organizational objectives.

Resilience and Adaptability

The modern business landscape is volatile and uncertain. Executive coaching fosters resilience and adaptability, equipping leaders with the tools to handle stress, recover from setbacks, and lead their teams through change.

Leadership Presence and Communication

An executive’s presence and communication style significantly impact their effectiveness. Coaching hones these skills, ensuring that leaders can inspire, influence, and engage their teams and stakeholders effectively.

The Impact of Executive Coaching on Organizational Success

Leaders who undergo coaching report enhanced confidence, better decision-making, and improved relationships with their teams and peers.

Companies that invest in executive coaching often see measurable improvements in employee engagement, productivity, and overall business performance.

Coaching can be a catalyst for broader organizational change, promoting a culture of continuous learning, innovation, and accountability.

Transformative Results through Coaching-

Turning Around a Struggling Division
I was appointed a few months ago to support an organization whose team faces declining performance in their division. Through my coaching approach and setting them some targets, we were able to a developed a new strategic vision, and improved team dynamics which was agreed by the company board managers, within few months this was led to a successful turnaround, increasing profits by 15%.

Enhancing Leadership in a Growing Start-Up
A start-up CEO sought coaching to manage the rapid growth of their company. The coaching focused on scaling leadership capacity, improving delegation, and managing investor relationships, which led to the successful expansion and a significant increase in valuation.

The Future of Executive Coaching

Executive coaching is no longer a luxury; it is a necessity for leaders who want to thrive in a complex, ever-changing business environment. As organizations continue to face new challenges, the role of executive coaches will become even more pivotal in shaping the leaders who can drive sustainable success.

By investing in executive coaching, companies not only develop stronger leaders but also position themselves for long-term growth and resilience in a competitive global market.

In today’s dynamic environment, it’s essential to transform our leadership approach to drive success. This success in leadership comes from the ability to transform, adapt, and inspire. By focusing on growth and innovation, leaders can drive meaningful change and achieve remarkable results.

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