Having led coaching skills, facilitation training, and wellbeing workshops in over 30 countries, John has a Masters degree in Coaching and Mentoring Practice and is…
Originally from Wales, UK, Jeff Evans brings to the table 26 years of teaching and professional leadership experience in the international education sector across Europe,…
Georgette Yakman is the founding researcher of the STEAM educational framework. She developed the framework in 2006 and began implementation in 2007 as an MS/HS…
Beas Dev Ralhan is the CEO of Next Education India Private Limited, a technology-driven education enterprise, headquartered in Hyderabad. Prior to Next Education, Beas worked…
Director of Schools, Indian Subcontinent for Blue Duck Education Ltd., Ritika Subhash is an avid ed-tech evangelist and a children’s book author. She is currently…
Mamta Thakur, CEO (ASEAN), Arc Skills, brings to the table 23 years of global experience in managing and developing the workforces of 17 African countries…
After running the British Dyslexia Association’s training department, Helen became CEO in March 2018, with a focus on empowering dyslexics through lobbying, raising awareness, training…
Penelope Moon, author, and UKCP registered psychotherapist, is the founder of ‘A Quiet Place’ a team that provides evidence-based personal development programs, supporting the achievement…
Beas Dev Ralhan is the Chief Executive Officer of Next Education India Private Limited, a technology-driven education enterprise, headquartered in Hyderabad. Beas co-founded this educational…
With more than a decade of experience in the international education consultancy service, Sethi now works as the Director of ESS Global – Study Abroad…